There is a knowingness
In your beingness
That cannot be torn asunder

You are the nectar in the flower
You are the rumble in the thunder
You are the song & you are the singer
What can be brought
You are the bringer
Expand into the unknown knowing
You are that which you see
Do not seek time, but timelessness
You are the web and
You are the weaver
Not just thought
But conceiver
Spiraling out
You birth the cosmos
You are the saved and
You are the savior
You are the ONE inside the ALL
Do not falter

We come to you united
For the purposes of healing
We come to you united for the purposes of healing
We come through you united for the purposed of healing
The one in the all and the in between realms
We come to you united
Do NOT falter
(c) Luana DeAngelis